
To Brooklyn Bridge (4) version1.0

To Brooklyn Bridge (4) version1.0


And Thee, across the harbor, silver-paced
As thought the sun took step of thee, yet left
Some motion ever unspent in thy stride, -----
Implicitly thy freedom staying thee!




(1) step (v):(海)(マスト)をすえる、立てる

もう、stepという言葉が、帆船と海洋の用語だ。(step, mast, sail, penis)という縁語の連鎖がある。これは、第2連で解釈した通りです。Chaplinesqueの

We will sidestep, and to the final smirk
Dally the doom of that inevitable thumb
That slowly chafes its puckered index toward us,



つまり、ブルックリン橋は、a long stepを踏み、僕達はsidestepを踏む。

Craneの世界は、As though, as ifの世界。本質的な世界だなあ。 これが、apparition(これが解らないから、子供が平気で人を殺すようになってしまったのだ。この知識は、教えて伝えられるものなのだろうか。この知識というよりは、この形式を。つまりは、詩化の形式、変換の規則を)。

蕃さん、Ezra Poundの訳、やってみました(昨日のメッセージ欄に追記しました。御覧下さい)。それでもまだまだですが、最初のよりはよくなっています。THEの意味もこれででるでしょうか。それから、何故In a Station of the Metroかも。1行の形式(題辞)と1行の内容(本文)の関係も。To Brooklyn Bridgeも、これがそのまま本文に繋がっているように、詩人というのは、このような人種をいうのですね。でも、こうなると、散文人と同じ、世間のひととなんら変わらない。僕達は、毎日office (officialな場所)で文書を書き、1行の題辞(形式)と内容(本文)の一致にこころを砕いている。What blame to us if the heart live on!

(2) Motion:
Main Entry: 1mo疸ion
Pronunciation: 'mO-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mocioun, from Middle French motion, from Latin motion-, motio movement, from movEre to move
1 a : an act, process, or instance of changing place : MOVEMENT b : an active or functioning state or condition ( the divorce proceedings in motion)
2 : an impulse or inclination of the mind or will
3 a : a proposal for action; especially : a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly b : an application made to a court or judge to obtain an order, ruling, or direction
4 obsolete a : a puppet show b : PUPPET
6 a : an act or instance of moving the body or its parts : GESTURE b plural : ACTIVITIES, MOVEMENTS
7 : melodic change of pitch

(3) stride(v):
Function: noun
1 a : a cycle of locomotor movements (as of a horse) completed when the feet regain the initial relative positions; also : the distance traversed in a stride b : the most effective natural pace : maximum competence or capability -- often used in the phrase hit one's stride
2 : a long step
3 : an act of striding
4 : a stage of progress : ADVANCE
5 : a manner of striding
- in stride 1 : without interference with regular activities 2 : without emotional reaction( took the news in stride )

strideは、the most effective natural paceとありますので、上のsilver-pacedの説明に照応しています。

unspent strideとあります。unpspentの接頭辞は、すでにして費消されない、そもそも費消するなどということは、その意味にも意識にも、なにもないという意味です。否定ですらないのです。第10連のall undoneもそう。あとどこにでてきても、その意味です。

(3.1) stride(n):
Main Entry: 1stride
Pronunciation: 'strId
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): strode /'strOd/; strid疆en /'stri-d&n/; strid疂ng /'strI-di[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strIdan; akin to Middle Low German striden to straddle, Old High German strItan to quarrel
intransitive senses
1 : to stand astride
2 : to move with or as if with long steps
3 : to take a very long step
transitive senses
2 : to step over
3 : to move over or along with or as if with long measured steps
- strid疇r /'strI-d&r/ noun 1

(4) implicit:
One entry found for implicit.

Entry Word: implicit
Function: adjective
Text: 1
Synonyms TACIT 1, implied, inarticulate, inferred, undeclared, understood, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered
Idioms taken for granted
Antonyms explicit
2 being such in essential character (our implicit freedom is better than your nominal liberty>)

(*)この一般的な言い方、慣用的な言い方も、この詩のimplicitly your freedom staying thee!の根底にあるのだろう。

Synonyms constructive, practical, virtual
Related Word absolute, complete, unqualified, wholehearted; genuine, real
Antonyms spelled out


(5) stay(n):
Main Entry: 1stay
Pronunciation: 'stA
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stセg; akin to Old Norse stag stay, Old English stEle steel
1 : a large strong rope usually of wire used to support a mast
2 : 1GUY

このstayにも帆船の表象あり。ブルックリン橋は、なんといっても、帆船そのもの。そうすると、昨日の冒頭のわたしの註釈、the chained bay watersの解釈もあながち間違いではないなあ。

(5.1) stay(vt):
Main Entry: 2stay
Function: verb
transitive senses
1 : to secure upright with or as if with stays
2 : to incline (a mast) forward, aft, or to one side by the stays
intransitive senses : to go about : TACK

(5.2) tack:(これも船の海洋言葉だ)

Main Entry: 2tack
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tak something that attaches; akin to Middle Dutch tac sharp point
1 : a small short sharp-pointed nail usually having a broad flat head
2 a : the direction of a ship with respect to the trim of her sails (starboard tack) b : the run of a sailing ship on one tack c : a change when close-hauled from the starboard to the port tack or vice versa d : a zigzag movement on land e : a course or method of action; especially : one sharply divergent from that previously followed
3 : any of various usually temporary stitches
4 : the lower forward corner of a fore-and-aft sail
5 : a sticky or adhesive quality or condition

(*)こうしてみると、この連載の最初の日に、ブルックリン橋は大伽藍であり、同時にそのまま船であるという僕の理解は正しかったということになる。橋は動いて生きている。Bridgeとはそのような、動態的な要素を結合する概念。それが、white buildingというプロセスであり、行為。動態的な宇宙観。

(5.3) tack(v):
Main Entry: 1tack
Pronunciation: 'tak
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English takken, from tak
transitive senses
1 : ATTACH; especially : to fasten or affix with tacks
2 : to join in a slight or hasty manner
3 a : to add as a supplement b : to add (a rider) to a parliamentary bill
4 : to change the direction of (a sailing ship) when sailing close-hauled by turning the bow to the wind and shifting the sails so as to fall off on the other side at about the same angle as before
intransitive senses
1 a : to tack a sailing ship b of a ship : to change to an opposite tack by turning the bow to the wind c : to follow a course against the wind by a series of tacks


2 a : to follow a zigzag course b : to modify one's policy or attitude abruptly
- tack疇r noun


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