
Chaplinesque再び(4) 【第2連】

今日はWhite Buildingの第2階の(2,4)のうちの前者、すなわち第2連を読みましょう。


For we can still love the world, who find
A famished kitten on the step, and know
Recesses for it from the fury of the street,
Or warm torn elbow coverts.




(1) 不定冠詞は男色者の印。A famished kitten。
(2 ) the worldは、男色者仲間のことです。他の詩でも、the worldといえば、男色者の世界であり、男色者の宇宙です。この宇宙には、太陽、地球、そして月と呼ばれる男色者の性戯の役割分担があり、これらの総称をstars、星、星々とCraneは呼んでいます。

To Brooklyn Bridgeの第9連の第2行、immaculate sigh of starsとは、sun, earth and moonの穢れの無い、無垢の、純粋の快楽の溜息であったことを思い出すことにしましょう。

また、この第9連に対応する同じ階層、フロアーにある第3連で、何故一人称は映画を観に行くのかというと、その銀幕には映画スターと呼ばれるstars、星々が映写されるからであり、ここにまさしく書いてある通りに、some flashing sceneがthe same screenに映写されるからです。そうして男色者たちの世界、the worldの常で、男色行為に耽っているスター達の周囲に観客がいて、囃したり、冷やかしたり、励ましたり、嘲ったりしているのです。a grail of laughterやall sound of gaiety and questがそこにはある、そのような世界。


(3) recessという概念の中には、slantという概念が入っていること、それからrecessが夜の男色者の世界のことですので、上の訳には、「この傾斜のついていい尻」と敢えて訳出しました。Slantという形容詞が掛かる名詞は尻を意味しています。例えば、White Buildingという詩集の中の「Praise for An Urn In Memoriam: Ernest Nelson」と題した詩の中に次の一行があります。Ernest Nelsonもいい恋人の一人なのでしょう。

The slant moon on the slanting hill

Moonは男色行為に耽るときの役割のひとつ、そうしてhillとは尻のことです。Quaker Hill。快楽に身を打ち震わせ、尻を振るわせる者、すなわち男色者の尻というのが裏の意味です。丘を尻に喩えた。これは、The BridgeのVIに当たる詩の題名です。表の訳は自明でありましょう。このように大胆不敵に、冒涜に、Craneは言葉を使う、いや、そのように見える。Craneは、何故釈迦の詩を詠ったのか、釈迦とは何か、あなたも考えてみて下さい。このようなCraneの概念体系図が今僕の眼の前に展開している。これはHart Craneの童貞のペニスから生えた一本の樹木。



1万字を超えたので、僕の検索した言葉のみを以下に掲げます。勿論辞書は、Merrian-Webster Onlineです。

(1) still
Main Entry: 3still
Function: adverb
1 : without motion (sit still)
2 archaic a : ALWAYS, CONTINUALLY b : in a progressive manner : INCREASINGLY
3 -- used as a function word to indicate the continuance of an action or condition (still lives there) (drink it while it's still hot)
4 : in spite of that : NEVERTHELESS (those who take the greatest care still make mistakes)
5 a : EVEN 2c (a still more difficult problem) b : YET 1a

(2) step
Main Entry: 1step
Pronunciation: 'step
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English st-aelig;pe; akin to Old High German stapfo step, stampfOn to stamp
1 : a rest for the foot in ascending or descending: as a : one of a series of structures consisting of a riser and a tread b : a ladder rung
2 a (1) : an advance or movement made by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere (2) : a combination of foot or foot and body movements constituting a unit or a repeated pattern (a dance step) (3) : manner of walking : STRIDE b : FOOTPRINT 1 c : the sound of a footstep (heard steps in the hall)
3 a : the space passed over in one step b : a short distance (just a step away from the bank) c : the height of one stair
4 plural : COURSE, WAY (directed his steps toward the river)
5 a : a degree, grade, or rank in a scale b : a stage in a process (was guided through every step of my career)
6 : a frame on a ship designed to receive an upright shaft; especially : a block supporting the heel of a mast
7 : an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series (taking steps to improve the situation)
8 : a steplike offset or part usually occurring in a series
9 : an interval in a musical scale
- step;like /-"lIk/ adjective
- stepped /'stept/ adjective
- in step 1 : with each foot moving to the same time as the corresponding foot of others or in time to music 2 : in harmony or agreement
- out of step : not in step (out of step with the times)
(3) street
Main Entry: 1street
Pronunciation: 'strEt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English strete, from Old English str[AE]t, from Late Latin strata paved road, from Latin, feminine of stratus, past participle -- more at STRATUM
1 a : a thoroughfare especially in a city, town, or village that is wider than an alley or lane and that usually includes sidewalks b : the part of a street reserved for vehicles c : a thoroughfare with abutting property (lives on a fashionable street)
2 : the people occupying property on a street (the whole street knew about the accident)
3 : a promising line of development or a channeling of effort
4 capitalized : a district (as Wall Street or Fleet Street) identified with a particular profession
5 : an environment (as in a depressed neighborhood or section of a city) of prostitution, poverty, dereliction, or crime
- on the street or in the street 1 : idle, homeless, or out of a job 2 : out of prison : at liberty
- up one's street or down one's street : suited to one's abilities or taste

(3.1) dereliction
Function: noun
1 a : an intentional abandonment b : the state of being abandoned
2 : a recession of water leaving permanently dry land
3 a : intentional or conscious neglect : DELINQUENCY (dereliction of duty)b : FAULT, SHORTCOMING

(3.2) recession
Main Entry:
Function: noun
1 : the act or action of receding : WITHDRAWAL
2 : a departing procession (as of clergy and choir at the end of a church service)
3 : a period of reduced economic activity
(3.2.1) recede
Main Entry: ;cede
Pronunciation: ri-'sEd
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin recedere to go back, from re- + cedere to go
1 a : to move back or away : WITHDRAW b : to slant backward
2 : to grow less or smaller : DIMINISH, DECREASE
synonyms RECEDE, RETREAT, RETRACT, BACK mean to move backward. RECEDE implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high fixed point in time or space (the flood waters gradually receded). RETREAT implies withdrawal from a point or position reached (retreating soldiers). RETRACT implies drawing back from an extended position (a cat retracting its claws). BACK is used with up, down, out, or off to refer to any retrograde motion (backed off on the throttle).

( slant
( slant
(4) covert
Main Entry: ;vert
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, past participle of covrir to cover
1 : not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed : VEILED (a covert alliance)
2 : covered over : SHELTERED
synonym see SECRET

(5) elbow
Main Entry: ;bow
Pronunciation: 'el-"bO
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English elbowe, from Old English elboga, from el- (akin to eln ell) + Old English boga bow -- more at ELL, BOW
1 a : the joint of the human arm b : a corresponding joint in the anterior limb of a lower vertebrate
2 : something (as macaroni or an angular pipe fitting) resembling an elbow
- at one's elbow : at one's side
- out at elbows or out at the elbows 1 : shabbily dressed 2 : short of funds

(5.1) el
(5.2) bow
(6) torn

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