Chaplinesqueは、White Buildingの中の一篇。それ故その構造は、既にしてこのようにある。
これは3階建てのWhite Buildingだ。
前回の訳は、この間To Brooklyn Bridgeを訳した経験を大切にすると、これは表の訳であった。今日は裏の訳である。第5連の訳もまた根底からひっくり変えることだろう。従い2連と4連も。これはまた明日。
We will make our meek adjustments,
Contented with such random consolations
As the wind deposits
In slithered and too ample pockets.
For we can still love the world, who find
A famished kitten on the step, and know
Recesses for it from the fury of the street,
Or warm torn elbow coverts.
We will sidestep, and to the final smirk
Dally the doom of that inevitable thumb
That slowly chafes its puckered index toward us,
Facing the dull squint with what innocence
And what surprise!
And yet these fine collapses are not lies
More than the pirouettes of any pliant cane;
Our obsequies are, in a way, no enterprise.
We can evade you, and all else but the heart:
What blame to us if the heart live on.
The game enforces smirks; but we have seen
The moon in lonely alleys make
A grail of laughter of an empty ash can,
And through all sound of gaiety and quest
Have heard a kitten in the wilderness.
そうして、このように理解をして初めて、この連の最後の1行のtoo ampleのtooの意味が判る。一日その晩と次の日の昼間を生きるには十分過ぎるお金を男色の相手から貰うことができるのだから。有難いという気持ちも入った、しかしslithered pocketsを形容するampleにかかるtoo。Too ample pockets slithered.
この連の最初の行のour adjustmentのourは、従って、勿論男色者仲間の僕たちという意味。優しい男色者同士の優しいmeekの性具の調整、しながらの、互いに傷つけ合わぬことを前提にしている優しさ、男同士の、女との性交にはない、むしろ後者は男女が逆に傷つけあう性交だから。
Main Entry: meek
Pronunciation: 'mEk
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse mjukr gentle; akin to Welsh mwyth soft
1 : enduring injury with patience and without resentment : MILD
2 : deficient in spirit and courage : SUBMISSIVE
3 : not violent or strong : MODERATE
- meek·ly adverb
- meek·ness noun
Main Entry: re·sent·ment
Pronunciation: ri-'zent-m&nt
Function: noun
: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury
synonym see OFFENSE
Entry: con·so·la·tion
Pronunciation: "kän(t)-s&-'lA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or an instance of consoling : the state of being consoled : COMFORT
2 : something that consoles; specifically : a contest held for those who have lost early in a tournament (the losers met in a consolation game)
- con·so·la·to·ry /k&n-'sO-l&-"tOr-E, -'sä-, -"tor-/ adjective
Entry: con·tend
Pronunciation: k&n-'tend
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French contendre, from Latin contendere, from com- + tendere to stretch -- more at THIN
intransitive senses
1 : to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties : STRUGGLE
2 : to strive in debate : ARGUE
transitive senses
1 : MAINTAIN, ASSERT (contended that he was right)
2 : to struggle for : CONTEST
(5) slither
Pronunciation: 'sli-[th]&r
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English slideren, from Old English slidrian, frequentative of slIdan to slide
intransitive senses
1 : to slide on or as if on a loose gravelly surface
2 : to slip or slide like a snake
transitive senses : to cause to slide
Main Entry: am·ple
Pronunciation: 'am-p&l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): am·pler /-p(&-)l&r/; am·plest /-p(&-)l&st/
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin amplus
1 : generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity (there was room for an ample garden)
2 : generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need (they had ample money for the trip)
3 : BUXOM, PORTLY (an ample figure)
- am·ple·ness /-p&l-n&s/ noun
- am·ply /-plE/ adverb
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