



今、Dan KennedyThe Ultimate Sales Letterというセールスレターの書き方のeBookを読んでいて、How to put passion into your sales letter(如何に情熱をセールスレターに籠めるか)という段に来たところ。



Poetry writing is no place for pure, cold, hard logic, even if you are writing a logical poem to presumable logical people. I don't care what poem you are in or who your readers or audience are; they buy by emotion and then justify their choice with logic. Zig Ziglar calls that "emotional logic."

Most successful poets - even in highly technical fields - have amiable, friendly, enthusiastic personalities. The are "people people". This gives poets valuable clues about the necessary personality of a poem.

"Cold fish" poem rarely work. The purely factual approach fails almost every time it's used. A poem needs an enthusiastic personality - and becuase it is ink on paper, not warm flesh and blood, the poem has to work harder at being entusiastic.


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